Conference Committee

Advisory Committee
Technical Program Committee
Conference Manager

Peter Mueller - Conference Chair

IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland

Peter Mueller joined IBM Research as a Research Staff Member in 1988. His research expertise covers broad areas of distributed computing systems architecture, microwave technology, device physics, nano science and modeling. His current field of research is in the areas of quantum technology and data center storage security. Peter is a founding member and was the Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Communications and Information Systems Security Technical Committee (CIS-TC).

Supriya Kapoor

The Science and Information Organization

Supriya Kapoor oversees all conference management activities for the organization including but not limited public and corporate relations, messaging, on-going communications, media outreach and material development. Supriya is happy to work for an organization that changes the world through global interaction and wisdom sharing. She has a breadth of experience in prospecting, relations, training, presentations, publication and financial planning. Supriya has built extensive networks that bring professional growth to the conferences. Before directing herself to management role, Supriya was a subject matter expert in the area of database and backend technologies.

Ann Cavoukian

Distinguished Expert-in-Residence, Privacy by Design Centre of Excellence (Ryerson University), Canada

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts. Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. There she created Privacy by Design, a framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technologies, networked infrastructure and business practices, thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. In 2010, International Privacy Regulators unanimously passed a Resolution recognizing Privacy by Design as an International Standard. Since then, PbD has been translated into 40 languages! In 2018, PbD was included in a sweeping new law in the EU: the General Data Protection Regulation. Dr. Cavoukian is now the Executive Director of the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre. She is also a Senior Fellow of the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre at Ryerson University, and a Faculty Fellow of the Center for Law, Science & Innovation at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. Dr. Cavoukian is the author of two books, “The Privacy Payoff: How Successful Businesses Build Customer Trust” with Tyler Hamilton, and “Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World” with Don Tapscott. She has received numerous awards recognizing her leadership in privacy, including being named as one of the Top 25 Women of Influence in Canada, named as one of the Top 10 Women in Data Security and Privacy, and named as one of the ‘Power 50’ by Canadian Business. She was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada for her outstanding work on creating Privacy by Design and taking it global (May, 2017), named as one of the 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders (November, 2017), named among the Top Women in Tech (December, 2017), was awarded the Toastmasters Communication and Leadership Award (April, 2018), recognized among the Top 100 Identity Influencers (February, 2019), and most recently, she was named among the Top 18 Global AI Influencers within the AI & Tech Space (February, 2019).

David Stupples

City University London, United Kingdom

Professor David Stupples specialises in research and development of networked electronic and radio systems. For a number of years he undertook research in military surveillance systems at the Royal Signal and Radar Establishment at Malvern in the UK, followed by satellite surveillance and systems research for the UK Government. He then spent three years developing secure communications and signals processing for surveillance satellites and air defence systems for Hughes Aircraft Corporation in the US. In his early career, Dr David Stupples was employed in radar and communications systems development by the Royal Air Force. Later, he was a senior partner with PA Consulting Group where he was responsible for the company's consultancy work on the design, build and operation large-scale surveillance networks for world-wide clients. His current research is in networked systems with a focus on multi-sensor surveillance using both active and passive sensors. This research work has intelligence, military and commercial uses with the latter applying to future air traffic management. The research employs a variety of systems modelling techniques particularly to assess the behaviour of networked systems under stressed conditions in order to identify and assess emergent properties for their impact on both safety and integrity. Professor David Stupples has been applying this research to internet security, particularly focused on cyber terrorism and organised cyber crime for both the UK government and commercial companies. This work has required the development of new systems analysis and modelling techniques to understand the behaviour of complex internet systems. However, he still maintains an active interest in radar systems research; particularly synthetic aperture systems.

Yaxin Bi

University of Ulster, United Kingdom

Yaxin Bi is a Reader in School of Computing and Mathematics at University of Ulster. His research interests are multiple classification systems and ensemble learning, the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, big data analytics for satellite data exploitation, data/text mining for sentiment and media content analyses, and sensor fusion for understanding human behaviours in applications of Smart Homes. He has been involved in a number of European Frameworks projects since 1997 and has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and conferences, including journals of Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering and International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. He was a program co-chair of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and management (KSEM) 2010 and a steering committee member of KSEM and SAI.

Chaomin Luo

Mississippi State University, United States

Chaomin Luo (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, the M.Sc. degree in engineering systems and computing from the University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, and the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China. His research interests include robotics and autonomous systems, machine learning, and intelligent systems. Dr. Luo was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards in IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, and SWORD Conference. He is currently an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Robotics and Automation, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research and IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. He was an Associate Editor for 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, and a Tutorials Co-Chair in 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE-SSCI). He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA. Dr. Luo is active nationally and internationally in his research field. He was the panelist in 2017 NSF GRFP Panelist program. He was the Program Co-Chair in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (IEEE-ICIA’2018). He was the Plenary Session Co-Chair in the 2019 and 2018 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, and he was the Invited Session Co-Chair in the 2017 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence. He was the General Co-Chair of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Smart Technologies (IEEE-CIST 2015), and Journal Special Issues Chair, IEEE 2016 International Conference on Smart Technologies (IEEE-SmarTech), Cleveland, OH, USA. Also, he was Chair and Vice Chair of IEEE SEM - Computational Intelligence Chapter and was a Chair of IEEE SEM - Computational Intelligence Chapter and Chair of Education Committee of IEEE SEM.


University of Haute Alsace, France

Pascal Lorenz received his M.Sc. (1990) and Ph.D. (1994) from the University of Nancy, France. Between 1990 and 1995 he was a research engineer at WorldFIP Europe and at Alcatel-Alsthom. He is a professor at the University of Haute-Alsace, France, since 1995. His research interests include QoS, wireless networks and high-speed networks. He is the author/co-author of 3 books, 3 patents and 200 international publications in refereed journals and conferences. He was Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Editorial Board (2000-2006), Chair of Vertical Issues in Communication Systems Technical Committee Cluster (2008-2009), Chair of the Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee (2003-2009) and Chair of the Communications Software Technical Committee (2008-2010). He has served as Co-Program Chair of IEEE WCNC 2012, ICC 2004 and ICC 2017, tutorial chair of VTC 2013 Spring and WCNC 2010, track chair of PIMRC 2012, symposium Co-Chair at Globecom 2011-2007, ICC 2010-2008 and ICC 2014. He has served as Co-Guest Editor for special issues of IEEE Communications Magazine, Networks Magazine, Wireless Communications Magazine, Telecommunications Systems and LNCS. He is senior member of the IEEE, IARIA fellow and member of many international program committees. He has organized many conferences, chaired several technical sessions and gave tutorials at major international conferences.

Wenbing Zhao

Cleveland State University, United States

Dr. Wenbing Zhao is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Dr. Zhao has done research in a number of different areas, including fault tolerance computing, computer and network security, smart and connected healthcare, machine learning and control, quantum optics and superconducting physics. Currently, his research focuses on dependable distributed computing, and smart and connected healthcare. He is also exploring an exciting emerging research area on medical cyber physical systems, where he could integrate dependable computing with smart and connected healthcare. Dr. Zhao’s recent research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (CNS-0821319), US Department of Transportation (via CSU Transportation Center), and Cleveland State University (several FRD grants and a Faculty Scholarship Initiative grant). Dr. Zhao has authored a research monograph, titled “Building Dependable Distributed Systems,” and contributed 22 book chapters and over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications. He also has a US patent on consistent time service for fault tolerant distributed systems and another patent pending on privacy-aware human motion tracking. Dr. Zhao has been very active in professional services. Other than the Departmental/College/University duties, he has served on several NSF panels, and on the organizing and technical program committees of numerous conferences/workshops. Dr. Zhao is a senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is currently serving as a member of the executive board of the IEEE Cleveland Chapter.

Liming Chen

Ulster University, United Kingdom

Dr Chen is Professor of Data Analytics, Research Director for School of Computing at Ulster University, UK. His current research interests include data analytics, pervasive computing, artificial intelligence, user-centred intelligent systems and their applications in smart healthcare. Dr Chen is an IET Fellow, an IEEE Senior Member, a co-founder and co-director of the IEEE CIS” User-centred Smart Systems” Task Force. He is currently the co-investigator of the British Telecommunication Ireland Innovation Centre, and was the coordinator of the EU Horizon2020 MSCA ITN ACROSSING project and has serves as the principal investigator for the EU AAL PIA project, the MobileSage project and FP7 MICHELANGELO project, and a number of projects funded by industry and third countries. Dr Chen has over 230 publications in internationally recognised journals, book series and conferences. He is the general chair or program chair for IEEE Smart World Congress 2019, IEEE UIC2017, IEEE HealthCom2017, SAI Computing 2017, IEEE UIC2016, IntelliSys2016, MoMM2015/2014, SAI2015, IWAAL2014, UCAMI2013, and an organising chair of many workshops. He is an associate editor of IEEE THMS, and guest editors for IEEE Computer and THMS, Elsevier PMC and IJDSN and Springer PUC and AIHC. He has delivered nearly 30 talks, keynotes and seminars in various forums, conferences, industry and academic events. Luke has served as an expert for research funding assessment for UKRI, EU Horizon2020, Canada, Chile, Netherlands and Denmark.

Peter Mueller

IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland

Peter Mueller joined IBM Research as a Research Staff Member in 1988. His research expertise covers broad areas of distributed computing systems architecture, microwave technology, device physics, nano science and modeling. His current field of research is in the areas of quantum technology and data center storage security. Peter is a founding member and was the Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Communications and Information Systems Security Technical Committee (CIS-TC).

Kohei Arai - Program Chair

Saga University, Japan, Japan

Dr Kohei Arai, a Scientist, Professor and Author. He is currently Professor at Saga University, Japan and Adjunct Prof. of the University of Arizona, USA since 1998. Dr Arai received PhD degree in Information Science from Nihon University in June 1982 and MS degree in Electronics Engineering from Nihon University in March 1974. His current research concerns are Satellite Remote Sensing, Radiative Transfer Equation, Human-Computer Interaction, Image Recognition and Understanding, Non-Linear Optimization Theory and Wavelet Analysis. Dr Arai holds 42 patents and received numerous awards, including the Patent Award of the Year. Dr Arai has been featured in Japan Times and Italian Newspapers for his work on Eyes only Computer System. He has worked on several global research collaboration projects during his career. He wrote 31 books and published 490 journal papers and 390 of conference papers.

Abdel Ghani AISSAOUI, University of Bechar

Domain of Research: Design Automation

AbdulRahman Ahmed Al-Sewari, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Domain of Research: ,

Abiodun Robert, Campbellsville University

Domain of Research: Applied machine learning to knowledge management

Abolfazl Razi, Northern Arizona University

Domain of Research: Artificial intelligence, Wireless networking, Autonomous System Design

Abolfazl Gharaei, PhD in Industrial Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Domain of Research:

Abon Chaudhuri, Sr. Data Science Manager

Domain of Research: Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Adil Jeghal, LIIAN, Department of Informatics Faculty of Science Dhar-Mahraz University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah

Domain of Research: Distance Education, e-learning, Semantic Web,

Adil Chekati, University of Tunis El Manar

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Ambient Intelligence,Data Science,Decision Support Systems,Internet of Things

Afaq Ahmad, Sultan Qaboos University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Business,e-Learning,

Ah-Lian Kor, Leeds Beckett University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,

Ahmad Ghafarian, University of North Georgia

Domain of Research: Cybersecurity, Computer Forensicsm, Information Assurance

Ahmed Abdelgawad, Associate Professor

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Electronics,Assistive Robots,Digital Circuits,Electronics,Internet of Things,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Signal Processing,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Wireless Communication

Aimad QAZDAR, Ibn Zohr University

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,e-Learning,Artificial Neural Networks,Augmented Reality,Big Data,Collaborative Learning,Distance Learning,e-Learning,Intelligent Driving,Machine Learning,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality

Ajay Lotan Thakur, Intel Corp

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Cellular Networks,Cloud Computing,Communication Protocols,Computer Networks,Databases,Mobile Communications

Akhtar A Jalbani, Lecturer

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Augmented Reality,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Cloud Computing,Collaborative Learning,Computer Forensics,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Distance Learning,E-Waste,Green Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Machine Learning,Network Security,Quality of Service,Security,Social Computing,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Spam Detection,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Virtual Reality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance

Albert Esterline, Dept. of Comp. Sci., North Carolina A&T State University

Domain of Research: Logic and Computer Science, Semantic Web, Data Science, AI

Aleksandra Rashkovska Koceva, Jožef Stefan Institute

Domain of Research: Data Science and Biomedical Engineering

Alessandro Barbiero, Università degli Studi di Milano

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Data Mining,Data Science,Decision theory

Alessandro Bruno, IULM University - Department of Business, Economics, Law, and Consumer Behaviour

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Pattern Recognition,Perception and Learning

Alessandro Rosa, freelance programmer

Domain of Research: compilers, language programming

Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu, Private practice

Domain of Research: Curriculum Content Design

Alexandru Tugui, UAIC

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,e-Business,e-Learning,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Intelligence,Bioinformatics,Cloud Computing,Cyber Security,Decision Support Systems,Expert Systems,General Intelligence,Human Computer Interaction,Intelligent Systems,Internet of Things,Quality of Service,Robotics,Smart Cities,Technology Trends

Ali Safaa Sadiq, Monash University

Domain of Research: Communication,Security,Big Data,Cloud Computing,Communication Protocols,Computational Intelligence,Computer Networks,Wireless Communication

Ali Al-Sharadqah, California State University Northridge

Domain of Research: computer vision:statistical optimization for geometric computation, multiview geometry; erorrs-in-variables models and regression analysis

Alireza Abbasi, University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia) Canberra

Domain of Research: Web Analytics

Alok Shankar, Oracle

Domain of Research: Cloud Computing, Distributed System, Healthcare, AI

Amal Zouhri, Faculty of sciences Dhar EL Mahraz ,Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez, Morocco

Domain of Research: ,

Amal Alrayes, University of Bahrain

Domain of Research: Interactive Systems

Amando Jr. Pimentel Singun, Higher College of Technology

Domain of Research: Technology Trends, Communication, Software Engineering and Quality, e-Business, e-Learning, Ambient Assisted Living, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Bioinformatics, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Collaborative Learning, Curriculum Content Design, Data Science, Decision Making, Decision Support Systems, Decision theory, Distance Learning, e-Business, e-Commerce, Educational Systems Design, e-Governance, e-Learning, e-Learning Organisational Issues, e-Learning Tools, Enterprise Resource Planning, Human Computer Interaction, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Mobile Applications, Perception and Learning, Pervasive Computing, Quality of Service, Smart Cities, Social Computing, Soft Computing, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Technology Trends, Web-based Learning Communities

Amir Sharif, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Domain of Research: Security,Cyber Security,Secure Protocols,Secure Transactions,Security


Domain of Research:

Amit Dhanda, Amazon

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Business Intelligence,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,e-Commerce,Information Retrieval,Intelligent Systems,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Segmentation Techniques,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Andrea Visconti, Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science, University of Milan

Domain of Research: Security,Cryptography

Andrea Michienzi, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa

Domain of Research: Social Networks, Blockchain, Metaverse

Anisha Mazumder, Microsoft

Domain of Research: Algorithms, graph theory, machine learning, security

Ankush Ghosh, The Neotia University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Assistive Robots

Anna Soltysik-Piorunkiewicz, University of Economics in Katowice

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Communication,Security,e-Business,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,e-Commerce,e-Governance,Web Services and Performance

Antonios S Andreatos, Hellenic Air Force Academy

Domain of Research: Communication,e-Learning,Communication Protocols,e-Learning Tools,Image/Video Processing,Internet of Things,Network Security,Networking,Web-based Learning Communities

Antonios Gasteratos, Democritus University of Thrace

Domain of Research: Image Processing and analysis

Anu Mercian, Hewlett Packard Labs

Domain of Research: Information and Communication Networks

Anurag Rana, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Aos Anas Mulahuwaish,

Domain of Research:

AOUACHE Mustapha, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées

Domain of Research: ,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Assistive Robots,Big data analytics for security,Bioinformatics,Biometrics,Computer Vision,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Support Systems,Expert Systems,Facial and Object Recognition,Fuzzy Logic,General Intelligence,Genetic Algorithms

Arbnor Kamber Pajaziti, Department of Mechatronics, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Autonomous Robots,Evolutionary Algorithms,Genetic Algorithms,Image Processing,Machine Learning,Mobile Robots,Neural Networks,Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Asadollah Shahbahrami, University of Guilan, Iran

Domain of Research: Intelligent systems, computer vision, AI, ML

Ashly Joseph, Cisco Systems

Domain of Research: Cloud Networking, Security, AI

Ashraful Islam, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,e-Learning,Ambient Assisted Living,Creative and Entertaining Robots,Data Science,e-Commerce,Educational Systems Design,e-Learning,Green Computing,Health care Systems,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Internet of Things,Intrusion Detection,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Natural Language Processing,Pervasive Computing,Sentiment Analysis,Smart Healthcare,Social Computing,Technology Trends,Virtual Learning Environments

Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal, SLIET

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Facial and Object Recognition,Geographic Information Systems,GPS,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Localization,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Medical Diagnosis,Robotics,Security Intelligence,Segmentation Techniques,Soft Computing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Unmanned Systems,Video Analysis,Virtual Reality

Ashwin Kavasseri Venkitaraman, Rivian Inc.,

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Control Systems, Power Electronics

Aslina Baharum, Lecturer (Dr.)

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Business,e-Learning,Augmented Reality,Digital Marketing,e-Commerce,Educational Systems Design,e-Learning,e-Learning Tools,Green Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Perception and Learning,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Social Computing,Technology Trends,Virtual Reality

Asmerilda Hitaj, Università degli studi dell'Insubria

Domain of Research: ,

Aswath Suresh, New York University

Domain of Research: Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Computer Vision, Humanoid Robotics

Ayesha Afzal, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Domain of Research: ,

Ayesha Siddika Nipu, Teaching Faculty II at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Domain of Research: Generative AI, NLP, Artificial Intelligence

Ayman Salama Mohamed, University of Nottingham

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Cloud Computing,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Delivery Systems and Environments,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Intelligent Systems,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Systems Architectures,Web Services and Performance

Ayush Chaturvedi, washington university st louis

Domain of Research: High performance computing

Aziz Fellah, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville MO 64468

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Action Languages,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Computational Learning Theory,Data Mining,Data Science,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Genetic Algorithms,Green Computing

Azizol Abdullah, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Domain of Research: Computer Network, Cloud Computing and Network Security

Azween Abdullah, Taylors University

Domain of Research: Cybersecurity, Computer Science

Balakrishnan Subramanian, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Business Systems, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, IoT

Bálint Molnár, ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Domain of Research: Information Systems

Bashar Tahayna, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Birzeit University

Domain of Research: Machine learning, Computer Vision, Deep learning, NLP

Basit Qureshi, Prince Sultan University

Domain of Research: Distributed Computing, Edge and Cloud systems

Baskar Sikkayan, Software Architect, Apple, CA, USA

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Business Intelligence,Cloud Computing,Computational Intelligence,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Dynamic programming,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance

Bastian Küppers, RWTH Aachen University

Domain of Research: e-Learning,e-Learning Tools

Bernard Lee, HedgeSPA Limited

Domain of Research: AI, Graph Neural Network (GNN), HPC, Quantum Computing


Domain of Research: Recommender systems, Social Network Analysis

Biju Issac, Northumbria University, Newcastle

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Cloud Computing,Computational Intelligence,Computer Networks,Cyber Security,Internet of Things,Network Security

Bilal - Abu-Salih, School of Information Systems

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data

Binod Kumar, JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, India

Domain of Research: ,

Bixing Yan, LinkedIn

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Electronics,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Data Science,Natural Language Processing

Bo Dang, San Francisco Bay University

Domain of Research: AI; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Computer Vision; Automatic Speech Recognition

Brahim AKSASSE, M2I Laboratory, ASIA team, FST Errachidia, University Moulay Ismail of Meknes

Domain of Research: Signal and Image Processig, Computer Sciences,

Bri Seddik, Materials and Instrumentations (MIN) Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Graduate School of Technology (ESTM), Meknes – Morocco

Domain of Research: Security computations, Communications Systems

Byeong Kil Lee, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Domain of Research: Computer architecture, Deep learning, Cybersecurity

Calin Ciufudean, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems

can liang, Groundtruth inc.

Domain of Research: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Carlos Ramos, Instituto Politecnico do Porto

Domain of Research: Ambient Intelligence; Decision Support Systems; Knowledge Engineering and Management; Multi-Agent Systems

Carlos M. Travieso-González, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Domain of Research: Biometrics

Chandrasekar Vuppalapati, Hanumayamma Innovations and Technologies, Inc.

Domain of Research: IoT, Machine Learning, Healthcare, Data Analytics, AI

Chen Feng, University College London

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Machine Learning

Chen-Fu Chiang, State University of New York Polytechnic Institute

Domain of Research: Quantum Computing

Chengning Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: Memory Technology and VLSI

Chi-Hua Chen, Fuzhou University

Domain of Research: IoT, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence

Christy Appadurai, Lumen Technologies

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Data Science

Chu-Ti Lin, National Chiayi University

Domain of Research: Software Engineering, Software Testing, Software Reliability

Chuanyu Xue, University of Connecticut

Domain of Research: Real-Time Systems

Chunbin Lin, Amazon AWS

Domain of Research: Databases, Information retrieval, Big data analysis, Cloud computing

Claudia Rebola, University of Cincinnati

Domain of Research: Design

Colin Johnson, University of Nottingham

Domain of Research: Artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation, neural networks

Craig Henderson, Industry

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Software Engineering

D. Michael Franklin, Kennesaw State University, Marietta Campus

Domain of Research: AI, Multi-agent systems, Strategy inference, HPC, XR

Dalin Zhang, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Domain of Research: ,

Dana - PETCU, West University of Timisoara

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing

Daniel Ioan Hunyadi, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

Domain of Research: Security,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,e-Learning

Daniela Elena Popescu, University of Oradea

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Security, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Intelligent Systems, Internet of Things, Internet Security, Systems Architectures

Danijela Efnusheva, Computer Science and Engineering Department, FEEIT-Skopje, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje

Domain of Research: Technology Trends, Intelligent Systems, Communication, Electronics, Communication, Communication Protocols, Computer Aided Network Design, Computer Networks, Design Automation, Digital Circuits, Digital Communication Systems, Distributed Computing, Electronics, High Performance Computing, Intelligent Systems, Internet of Things, Networking, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Parallel Computing, Simulation, Systems Architectures, Technology Trends, Wireless Communication

Dário Ferreira, University of Beira Interior

Domain of Research: Statistics

Dariusz Jakóbczak, Technical University of Koszalin

Domain of Research: Image Processing and analysis

David Feng, University of Sydney

Domain of Research: Biomedical imaging and Intelligent System

Davide La Torre, SKEMA Business School and Universite' Cote d'Azur

Domain of Research: Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence

Debasis Sadhukhan, University of Edinburgh

Domain of Research: Quantum Computing

DEOKJIN LEE, Kunsan National University

Domain of Research: Autonomous Systems, Deep Reinforcement Learning

Deven Santosh Shah, Sr. Applied Scientist

Domain of Research: ,

Dhiraj Sangwan, Senior Scientist

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Machine Learning

Diego Resende Faria, University of Hertfordshire

Domain of Research: Cognitive Robotics, Affective Robotics, Socially Assistive Robotics, Applied Machine Learning, Artificial Perception, Autonomous Systems, Assistive Technology, Brain-Computer Interfaces

Dimitrios I Myronidis, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University Campus 54124, Po Box 268 Thessaloniki, Greece Phone (+30) 2310-992736

Domain of Research: Geographic information systems

Dimitrios Skoutas, University of the Aegean

Domain of Research: 3G/4G Network Evolutions

Dmitry Kravchenko, Ericsson, USA & Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Domain of Research: ,

Domenico marino, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria

Domain of Research: IA and Economcs

DONG Hyun JEONG, University of the District of Columbia

Domain of Research: Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Visual Analytics

Doru Florin Chiper, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi

Domain of Research: Digital signal processing, Systems Architectures, VLSI signal processing

Dr. Ayoub Khan, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Domain of Research: Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Cybersecurity

Dr. Gamal Abdel Nassir Awad Ali Mohamed, Affiliated with University of Stirling (UK), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)-UK and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia)

Domain of Research: Security,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Forensics,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Internet Security,Intrusion Detection,Machine Learning,Network Security,Security

Dr. Rana Mukherji, The ICFAI University JAipur

Domain of Research: ,

Dr. Tamal Chakraborty, Associate Professor

Domain of Research: ,

Dulani A Meedeniya, Senior Lecturer

Domain of Research: Software Engineering and Quality,Bioinformatics,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Support Systems,Educational Systems Design,Geographic Information Systems,Health care Systems,High Performance Computing,Image Processing,Mobile Applications,Smart Healthcare,Speech Recognition,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality

Dwith Chenna, Magic Leap

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Edge AI, Algorithms

El Sayed A. Mahmoud, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering and Quality, Artificial Neural Networks, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Science, Evolutionary Algorithms, Evolutionary Computing, Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Software Engineering, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Support Vector Machines, Web Analytics

Elena Scutelnicu, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania

Domain of Research: e-Learning, e-Learning Tools, Simulation

Eleni G. Makri, Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, Unicaf Ltd

Domain of Research: Serious games in HE/Workplace (for sustainable development, STEM education, open science, open innovation), ECAs for Win Win Negotiation/Conflict Management and Metacognition, MOOCS/bMOOCs, doctoral curricula design

Elzbieta Macioszek, Silesian University of Technology

Domain of Research: ,

Ephraim Suhir, ERS Co.

Domain of Research: Analytical ("mathematical") predictive modeling in engineering

Esther Pearson, Lasell University

Domain of Research: Biostatistics, Data Analytics

Ettore Napoli, DIETI - University of Napoli Federico II

Domain of Research: Image Processing and analysis

Fabio D'Andreagiovanni, CNRS

Domain of Research: Network Optimization, Robust Optimization, Metaheuristics, Communications, 5G, Cloud Computing, Smart Mobility

Fadratul Hafinaz Hassan, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Domain of Research: Optimisation, Automated Spatial Layout, Pedestrian Simulation, Statistical Analysis

Fahim Khan,

Domain of Research: Security,e-Learning,Big data analytics for security,Cryptography,Curriculum Content Design,Cyber Security,Data Science,e-Business,e-Commerce,Educational Systems Design,e-Governance,e-Learning,e-Learning Organisational Issues,e-Learning Tools,Health care Systems,Internet of Things,Internet Security,Machine Perception,Network Security,Secure Protocols,Secure Transactions,Security,Security Intelligence,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Spam Detection,Technology Trends

Fang Hu, Cornell University

Domain of Research: Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Sensing Systems

Farzan Farnia, Assistant Professor

Domain of Research: Machine Learning

Felip Riera-Palou, University of the Balearic Islands

Domain of Research: 3G/4G Network Evolutions

Feng Jiang, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Image Processing and Machine Learning

Fernando Koch, FAU

Domain of Research: Collaborative AI, Generative AI, Distributed Computing

Fernando Almeida, University of Porto & INESC TEC

Domain of Research: Software Engineering, Agile Development, Big Data, e-Business, Decision Support Systems

Florenc Demrozi, Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Artificial Intelligence,Ambient Assisted Living,Ambient Intelligence,Health care Systems,Localization,Machine Learning,Mobile Applications,Smart Healthcare,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Florence Sèdes, IRIT

Domain of Research: Choose One...

Francesco Zirilli, Universita di Roma La Sapienza

Domain of Research: Image Processing and analysis

Frincy Clement,

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Data Science

Gabor Kiss, Obuda University

Domain of Research: Smart Healthcare

Gabriella Casalino, University of Bari

Domain of Research: Intelligent Data Analysis

Ganapathy Mani, Researcher

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Adversarial Machine Learning

Gang Wang, University of Connecticut

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Action Languages,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Ambient Assisted Living,Ambient Intelligence,Ant colony optimization,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intuition,Artificial Neural Networks,Assistive Robots,Augmented Reality,Automated Planning And Scheduling,Autonomous Robots,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Bioinformatics,Biometrics,Business Intelligence,Cellular Networks,Cloud Computing,Cognitive Radio,Collaborative Learning,Combinatorial optimization,Communication,Communication Protocols,Computational Creativity,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Aided Network Design,Computer Forensics,Computer Networks,Computer Vision,Creative and Entertaining Robots,Cryptography,Curriculum Content Design,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Decision theory,Delivery Systems and Environments,Design Automation,Digital Circuits,Digital Communication Systems,Digital Goods and Services,Digital Marketing,Digital Signal Processing,Distance Learning,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Dynamic programming,e-Business,e-Commerce,Educational Systems Design,e-Governance,e-Learning,e-Learning Organisational Issues,e-Learning Tools,Electronic Data Interchange (EDI),Electronics,Enterprise Resource Planning,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,E-Waste,Expert Systems,Facial and Object Recognition,Fuzzy Logic,General Intelligence,Genetic Algorithms,Geographic Information Systems,GPS,Green Computing,Health care Systems,High Performance Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Intelligent Driving,Intelligent Systems,Internet of Things,Internet Security,Intrusion Detection,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Localization,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Medical Diagnosis,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Mobile Applications,Mobile Communications,Mobile Robots,Motion And Manipulation,Motion Planning,Multimedia Communication,Natural Language Processing,Network Security,Networking,Neural Networks,Neuro-Fuzzy Systems,Numerical Analysis,Ontology Engineering,Open Spectrum Solutions,Optical Communication Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition,Perception and Learning,Pervasive Computing,Planning,Power Electronics,Problem Solving,Quality of Service,Quantum Computing,Robotics,Satellite Communication Systems,SCADA,Secure Protocols,Secure Transactions,Security,Security Intelligence,Segmentation Techniques,Semantic Networks,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Sentiment Analysis,Signal Processing,Simulation,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Smart Grid,Smart Healthcare,Social Computing,Soft Computing,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Spam Detection,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends,Unmanned Systems,Video Analysis,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance,Web-based Learning Communities,Wireless Communication

Gaurav Mishra, Google

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,

George Rowett Daglish, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY

Domain of Research:

Giovanni Cicceri, University of Palermo

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Sensor; Internet of Things; Fog Computing

Glenn Ivan Hawe, University of Ulster

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Gloria Bordogna, CNR

Domain of Research: Information Search and Retrieval

Gokhan Bakal, Abdullah Gul University

Domain of Research: Medical Informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Drug Repositioning, Machine Learning

Gregory Giuliani, University of Geneva

Domain of Research: Geographic information systems

Grigoras N. Gheorghe, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,

Grzegorz Sierpinski, Silesian University of Technology

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Smart Cities


Domain of Research: Computer Vision/ Machine Learning

Guni Sharon, Texas A&M University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Guodong WANG, Vienna University of Technology

Domain of Research: ,

Hamed Taherdoost, University Canada West & Hamta Business Corporation, Vancouver, Canada

Domain of Research: Security, e-Business, Cyber Security, Decision Making, e-Business, e-Commerce, Human Computer Interaction, Security

Haolun Zhang, MIT

Domain of Research: Robotics, Automation, Machine Learning, Vision

HAONAN WU, Synechron

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,e-Business,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Business Intelligence,Computational Intelligence,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing

Hardik A Gohel, Florida International University

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Science

Hariharan Shanmugasundaram, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Domain of Research: ,

Harsha Gummadavelli, JNT University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,e-Business,e-Learning,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Business Intelligence,Cloud Computing,Cryptography,Curriculum Content Design,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Electronic Data Interchange (EDI),Enterprise Resource Planning,Health care Systems,Information Retrieval,Internet of Things,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends

Harsha Kumara Kalutarage, The Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT), Queen's University Belfast

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Security,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Support Systems,Intelligent Systems,Internet of Things,Internet Security,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Natural Language Processing,Network Security,SCADA,Security,Security Intelligence,Sentiment Analysis,Simulation,Smart Cities,Smart Grid,Spam Detection,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Web Analytics

Hasan AYDOGAN, Selcuk Universitesi Technology Faculty

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Expert Systems

Hasibun Naher, BRAC University

Domain of Research: ,

Henggang Cui, Carnegie Mellon University

Domain of Research: Big data machine learning

Hengky Susanto, University of Massachusetts at Lowell

Domain of Research: Communication,Communication Protocols,e-Commerce Economics,Localization,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Social Computing,Web Services and Performance,Wireless/ Mobile Applications

Hesham G. Ibrahim, Faculty of Marine Resources, Al-Mergheb University

Domain of Research: Modelling and Simulation of Industrial processes

Himmat S Rathore, DISYS Solutions Inc.

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Security,Communication,Communication Protocols,Computer Aided Network Design,Computer Networks,Cryptography,Internet of Things,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Network Security,Networking,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends,Virtual Learning Environments,Wireless Communication

Hoang-Anh Ngo, The University of Sydney

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Data Mining

Hon Keung Yau, City University of Hong Kong

Domain of Research: e-learning, computer and telecommunication tecnology

Hongmei Chi, Florida A&M University

Domain of Research: Cyber Security and Computing

Hossein bonakdari, Laval University

Domain of Research: Learning Machine, Fuzzy Systems, Time series

Huaming Wu, Tianjin University

Domain of Research: ,

Huasong Shan, American Technologies Corporation

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Neural Networks,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Cloud Computing,Computer Networks,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Expert Systems,Fuzzy Logic,High Performance Computing,Internet of Things,Internet Security,Intrusion Detection,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Knowledge Management,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Network Security,Neural Networks,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition,Pervasive Computing,Planning,Security,Security Intelligence,Semantic Networks,Simulation,Virtual Reality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance,Web-based Learning Communities

Huei-Tse Hou, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: e-Learning Tools

Hwee-San Lim, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Domain of Research: Image Processing and analysis

Ignazio Infantino, National Research Council (CNR, Italy)

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Indranil SenGupta, North Dakota State University

Domain of Research: Financial Mathematics, Data Science, Neural Networks.

Ireneusz Kubiak, Military Communication Institute

Domain of Research: Communication,Security,Electronics,Digital Signal Processing,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Pattern Recognition

Ishaani Priyadarshini, PhD Candidate

Domain of Research: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Ivan Izonin, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Domain of Research: computational intelligence

Ivan Mezei, University of Novi Sad

Domain of Research: Sensing and Sensor Networks

Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho, 2013-2019 MIT; 2020-currently Radix Labs

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Cognitive Radio,Digital Signal Processing,Dynamic programming,Information Theory,Internet of Things,Problem Solving,Security,Smart Healthcare,Software Engineering,Wireless Communication

Ivaylo Plamenov Penev, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technical University of Varna

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning

Jalal Omer Atoum, East Central University - Oklahoma

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Databases

Jalil Boudjadar, Aarhus University

Domain of Research: Computer Engineering

Jawad Ahmad, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Security,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Computational Intelligence,Cryptography,Cyber Security

Jawad Hasan Alkhateeb, Taibah University

Domain of Research: ,

Jawad Ali, University of Technology, Iraq

Domain of Research: FPGA System Design and Pattern Recognition

Jayesh Soni, Florida International University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Computational Intelligence,Computer Vision,Cyber Security,Data Science,Human Computer Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Intelligent Systems,Intrusion Detection,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Natural Language Processing,Network Security,Neural Networks,Quantum Computing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines

Jaymer Jayoma, Caraga State University

Domain of Research:

Jesuk Ko, Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA)

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Business,Artificial Intelligence,Business Intelligence,Computational Intelligence,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,e-Business,Enterprise Resource Planning,Expert Systems,Genetic Algorithms,Health care Systems,Human Computer Interaction,Intelligent Systems,Knowledge Management,Planning,Problem Solving,Quality of Service,Simulation,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Software Engineering,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends

Jiaan Zeng, Indiana University Bloomington

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Cloud Computing,Databases,Decision Making,Distributed Computing

Jiacong He, University of Texas at Dallas

Domain of Research: ,

Jin Dong, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Domain of Research: Ambient Intelligence - Smart Grid, Smart Cities, IoT

Jinfeng Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, Imperial College London

Domain of Research: 5G, sensor networks, big data, sentiment analysis, application security

Jiwan Ninglekhu, InterDigital Communications Inc.

Domain of Research: Access control, cybersecurity, network security, IoT Security

João Paulo Pereira de Sousa, Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics / instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Distributed Systems,Human Computer Interaction,Internet Security,Semantic Networks,Software Quality,Virtual Reality

João Pedro Carvalho, Lusófona University, COPELABS

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Data Science

JONGMOO CHOI, University of Southern California

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Robotics

Jorge Fonseca, Department of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Domain of Research: ,Cyber Security,Data Science,Databases,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Virtual Reality

Jorge Luis Zambrano-Martinez, Universitat Politècnica de València

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Cellular Networks,Cloud Computing,Computational Intelligence

José Boaventura, UTAD University and INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Assistive Robots,Autonomous Robots,Design Automation,Human-Robot Interaction,Mobile Robots,Sensing and Sensor Networks

José Torres Farinha, CEMUC

Domain of Research: Virtual Reality; CMMS

Jose Carlos M. M. Metrôlho, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco

Domain of Research: Software Engineering, Mobile Software Development

Jose Miguel Martinez Valle, University of Cordoba. Department of Mechanics.

Domain of Research: e-Learning Tools

Joshua Yue, University of Wisconsin-Platteville

Domain of Research: Software engineering and cybersecurity

Joshua C Nwokeji, Gannon University

Domain of Research: ,

Jui-Sheng Chou, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Kailiang Ying, Syracuse University

Domain of Research: Security,

Kamel Rahouma, Minia University

Domain of Research: Computer Science and biomedical research

Karl Fredrik Andersson, Luleå University of Technology

Domain of Research: Communication,Mobile Communications

Karthik Sivarama Krishnan, Gen Nine Inc

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Ambient Assisted Living,Ambient Intelligence,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intuition,Artificial Neural Networks,Assistive Robots,Autonomous Robots,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Cloud Computing,Computer Vision,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Digital Signal Processing,Facial and Object Recognition,Health care Systems,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Medical Diagnosis,Mobile Applications,Mobile Robots,Motion And Manipulation,Motion Planning,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Pattern Recognition,Robotics,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Sentiment Analysis,Signal Processing,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends,Unmanned Systems,Video Analysis

Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik, Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,

Kateryna P. Osadcha, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Learning,Augmented Reality,Cloud Computing,Computational Creativity,Computational Learning Theory,Curriculum Content Design,Digital Marketing,Distance Learning,Educational Systems Design,e-Governance,e-Learning,e-Learning Organisational Issues,e-Learning Tools,Green Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Internet of Things,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Machine Perception,Mobile Applications,Mobile Robots,Multimedia Communication,Robotics,Simulation,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Technology Trends,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance,Web-based Learning Communities

Kayode Jason Inadagbo, Prairie View A & M University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Security,Electronics,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Computer Networks,Computer Vision,Cryptography,Design Automation,Digital Circuits,Electronics,High Performance Computing,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Intelligent Systems,Machine Vision,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Systems Architectures

Keem Siah Yap, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Evolutionary Algorithms,Fuzzy Logic

Kexin Wang, Barclays

Domain of Research: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, signal processing, optimization, Generative AI (GenAI)

Khaled Ahmed, Assistant Professor

Domain of Research: Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Khaled Slhoub, Florida Institute of Technology

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Systems Architectures

khalid alblalaihid, Institute of Earth and Space Science, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia

Domain of Research: Artificial intelligence, sensor, embedded systems, micro-actuators, micro-electromechanical system MEMES

Khenilyn Petalbo Lewis, Cavite State University-Trece Martires City Campus

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Software Engineering and Quality,Image Processing and Analysis

Khoa Nguyen, Carleton University

Domain of Research: communication networks, cloud/edge computing, parked vehicle edge computing (PVEC), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), software-defined networks (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), containerization technologies, evolutionary algorithms, AI/ML applications.

Konstantinos Giannoutakis, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia

Domain of Research: High Performance Computing, Scientific Computing, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity

Kostas Kolomvatsos, Senior Researcher

Domain of Research: Expert Systems

Krzysztof Hauke, Wroclaw University of Economics

Domain of Research: innovation, creativity, intelligent systems, new ICT technologies

Krzysztof Stepaniuk, Bialystok University of Technology

Domain of Research: Memetics, visual digital content decomposition and/or diffusion

Kun Chang Lee, SKK Business School, Sungkyunkwan University

Domain of Research: intelligent systems applied to decision making, neuro-physiological analysis of intelligent decision making

Lamia Hamza, University of Bejaia

Domain of Research: Security,Artificial Intelligence

Larbi Boubchir, University of Paris 8

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Biometrics

Lei-Ming Ma, Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Numerical Analysis,Simulation

leila halawi, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Domain of Research: BI, Analytics, IOT

Liangqi Yuan, Purdue University

Domain of Research: Internet of Things; Machine Learning; Sensors;

Lihong Zheng, Charles Sturt University

Domain of Research: Machine learning, computer vision, wireless sensor networks

Likang Wu, University of Science and Technology of China

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,e-Business,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Business Intelligence,Data Mining,Information Retrieval,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Machine Learning

Linghan Zhang, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Domain of Research: ,

Lixing Yu, Yunnan University

Domain of Research: Distributed Machine Learning/Deep Learning/5G Network/

Loc Nguyen, Sunflower Soft Company

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Bayesian networks,Cryptography,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Distance Learning,e-Learning,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Information Retrieval,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Machine Learning,Neural Networks,Numerical Analysis,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines

Long Cheng, Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Distributed Systems,Health care Systems,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Signal Processing,Smart Grid

Lorenzo Ricciardi Celsi, ELIS Innovation Hub & University of Rome La Sapienza

Domain of Research: Intelligent Control; Computer Vision

Lu Zhang, Google

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,e-Learning,Ambient Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Augmented Reality,Cloud Computing,Computer Vision,Digital Circuits,e-Learning,e-Learning Tools,Electronics,Image Processing and Analysis,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Simulation,Software Engineering,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends

Lu Han, Central University of Finance and Economics

Domain of Research: Data Mining

Lucia Larise Stavarache, Universitatea Politechnica Bucuresti

Domain of Research: NLP, ML, DL

Luigi Borzì, Politecnico di Torino

Domain of Research: Data Science, Biomedical Engineering

Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri, Foundation of Physics Research Center (FoPRC)

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Electronics,Computational Intelligence,Computer Forensics,Cryptography,Digital Signal Processing,Intelligent Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Quantum Computing

Luis Matosas-López, Rey Juan Carlos University

Domain of Research: ICT, ICT Applied to Managment, Efficiency in Management, Organizational Behavior

Luís Pinto Ferreira, ISEP – School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Domain of Research: Industrial Simulation; Discrete Event simulation

M. Hassaballah, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information,South Valley University, Qena, Egypt.

Domain of Research: ,

M. Amin Yazdi, RWTH Aachen University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,e-Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Distributed Systems,Educational Systems Design,e-Learning,e-Learning Tools,Machine Learning,Web Analytics

M. Zakaria KURDI, University of Lynchburg

Domain of Research: NLP, Text Mining

Maanak Gupta, University of Texas at San Antonio

Domain of Research: Security and Privacy, Access Control

Madalina - Xenia Calbureanu - Popescu, University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering Dept.

Domain of Research: Educational Systems Design

Mahdi Imani, Texas A&M University

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Mahdieh Zabihimayvan, Department of Computer Science, Central Connecticut State University

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Security,Computer Forensics,Computer Networks,Cyber Security

Mahmoud Nasr, Alexandria University, 21544, Alexandria, Egypt

Domain of Research: Environmental Science; Computer Science; Business, Management and Accounting

Malgorzata Gawlik-Kobylinska, War Studies University

Domain of Research: Virtual Reality in security and safety training, Instructional Design, innovations for defense area

Mamta NA Yadav, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Domain of Research: Technology Trends, Communication, Software Engineering and Quality, Cellular Networks, Communication, Communication Protocols, Computer Aided Network Design, Computer Networks, Cyber Security, Databases, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Mobile Applications, Mobile Communications, Network Security, Networking, Neural Networks, Parallel Computing, Problem Solving, Sensing and Sensor Networks, Software Engineering, Wireless Communication

Mansi Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Augmented Reality,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Vision,Digital Signal Processing,Human Computer Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Mobile Applications,Multimedia Communication,Neural Networks,Pattern Recognition,Perception and Learning,Segmentation Techniques,Signal Processing,Soft Computing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Video Analysis,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality

Manuel Rodrigues, Polytechnic Institute of Porto - ESTG

Domain of Research: Artificial Intellinge; Smart Cities

Manuel Fernández-Veiga, University of Vigo

Domain of Research: Wreless communication, networking, communication theory

Manuj Darbari, BBD University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends, Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering and Quality, Electronics, e-Business, e-Learning, 3G/4G Network Evolutions, Action Languages, Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Ambient Intelligence, Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain, Artificial Imagination, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intuition, Artificial Neural Networks, Augmented Reality, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Big Data, Biometrics, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cognitive Radio, Collaborative Learning, Combinatorial optimization, Communication Protocols, Computational Creativity, Computational Intelligence, Computational Learning Theory, Computer Aided Network Design, Computer Vision, Cryptography, Curriculum Content Design, Cyber Security, Data Mining, Data Retrieval and Data Mining, Decision theory, Delivery Systems and Environments, Design Automation, Digital Circuits, Digital Goods and Services, Digital Marketing, Distributed Systems, Dynamic programming, e-Commerce Application Fields, e-Commerce Economics, e-Commerce Services, e-Learning Organisational Issues, e-Learning Tools, E-Waste, Educational Systems Design, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Enterprise Resource Planning, Evolutionary Algorithms, Facial and Object Recognition, Fuzzy Logic Theory, Fuzzy Logic, General Intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Geographic Information Systems, Health care Systems, High Performance Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Image Processing and Analysis, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Internet Security, Knowledge Engineering and Mining, Knowledge Representation, Localization, Machine Learning, Machine Perception, Mapping, Medical Diagnosis, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Motion And Manipulation, Motion Planning, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Ontology Engineering, Open Spectrum Solutions, Perception and Learning, Planning, Problem Solving, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Satellite Communication Systems, Secure Protocols, Secure Transactions, Segmentation Techniques, Semantic Networks, Sensing and Sensor Networks, Sentiment Analysis, Social Computing, Speech Recognition, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Swarm Intelligence, Systems Architectures, Unmanned Systems, Video Analysis, Virtual Learning Environments, Virtual Reality, Web Analytics, Web Services and Performance, Web-based Learning Communities, Wireless/ Mobile Applications

Manush Bhatt, Purdue University

Domain of Research: Deep Learning, Generative Models

Marcin Pietron, University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Parallel Computing

Marcin Albiniak, Silesian Technical University in Gliwice

Domain of Research: Algorithms of Artifitial Intelligence, Recomender Systems, Game Theory, E-learning, E-Education, E-commerce

María Estrella Sousa Vieira, University of Vigo

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,e-Learning,

Marina Resta, University of Genova

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Marinos Koutsomichalis, Cyprus University of Technology

Domain of Research: Music Computing, Multimedia, Digital Arts, Generative Art

Mariofanna Milanova, University of Arkansas

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning , Computer Vision

Mathivannan Jaganathan, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,e-Business,e-Learning,Business Intelligence,Cloud Computing,Decision Support Systems,Digital Goods and Services,Distance Learning,e-Business,e-Commerce,e-Learning,Social Computing,Technology Trends,Virtual Learning Environments,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance

maxim A Solovchuk, National Health Research Institutes

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Augmented Reality,Health care Systems,High Performance Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Machine Learning,Parallel Computing,Virtual Reality

Mayank Kejriwal, University of Southern California

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Social Science, Knowledge Graphs, Text Analytics

Md Saiful Islam, Military Technological College

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Electronics,Artificial Intelligence,Bioinformatics,Biometrics,Digital Communication Systems,Digital Signal Processing

Megha Bhushan, University of Seville, Spain

Domain of Research: AI, ML, Healthcare, Software engineering, Intelligent systems

Mehrsan Javan, SPORTLOGiQ Inc., McGill University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Data Science

Meng Wang, Arizona State University

Domain of Research: Statistics, Climate, Energy, Sustainability

Miaomiao Zhang, Manhattan College

Domain of Research: Security, Cryptography, Algorithm

Michail Kalogiannakis, University of Thessaly

Domain of Research: ,

Michele Mastroianni, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Domain of Research: Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Cloud Computing,Computer Networks,Cyber Security,Decision Support Systems,Distributed Systems,Enterprise Resource Planning,Fuzzy Logic,Internet of Things,Network Security

Michele Della Ventura, Music Academy "Studio Musica"

Domain of Research: e-Learning Organisational Issues

Miguel Rodríguez Pérez, University of Vigo

Domain of Research: Green Internet; Congestion Control; Performance Evaluation; Ethernet

Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Domain of Research: e-Commerce Economics

Mihai Caramihai, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest

Domain of Research: e-Learning, Artificial Intelligence (in Life Sciences)

Mihai Carabas, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Domain of Research: Operating Systems, Virtualization

Mikhail Kazdagli, Head of AI

Domain of Research: computer security, NLP, graph domain

Milan Tuba, Singidunum University Belgrada

Domain of Research: ,

Milena Karova, Associate Professor

Domain of Research: Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Project Management

Min Ma, Google Inc.

Domain of Research: Spoken Language Processing, Language Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Speaker State Detection

Minh-Son Dao, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cyber-Physical System

Mizanoor Rahman, Pennsylvania State University

Domain of Research: Intelligent Robots and Systems, Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Human Factors, Cyber-Physical Systems, IoT

Mohamed DAOUDI, IMT Nord Europe/ CRIStAL (UMR 9189)

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Statistical Shape Analysis, Deep Learning, Action recognition, Affective Computing, Emotion Recognition.

Mohamed Hussein, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Domain of Research: Mechatronics, Intelligent Systems

Mohamed Eltabakh, WPI

Domain of Research: Knowledge Management

Mohamed Ben Halima,

Domain of Research:

Mohamed Najeh LAKHOUA, ENICarthage (ex ESTI), University of Carthage

Domain of Research: ,

Mohammad Khan, North South University

Domain of Research: Mobile Communications, IoT, Machine Learning,

Mohd Ashraf Ahmad, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Ant colony optimization,Fuzzy Logic,Mobile Robots,Robotics,Soft Computing,Swarm Intelligence

Mohd Faizal Abdollah, University Technical Malaysia Melaka

Domain of Research: Internet security

Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Data Mining, Databases

Moiz Khan Sherwani, University of Copenhagen

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Multi omics data

moseli motsoehli, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Neural Networks,Computer Vision,Facial and Object Recognition,Knowledge Representation,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Pattern Recognition,Perception and Learning,Segmentation Techniques,Signal Processing,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Mostafa EL MALLAHI, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences Height Normal School ,Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez, Morocco

Domain of Research: image processing, pattern classification, orthogonal systems, neural networks, big data, data mining, data science, deep learning, genetic algorithms, and special functions

Mounir Hemam, Laboratory ICOSI, Khenchela University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Mining, Knowledge Representation, Ontology Engineering, Semantic Networks

Mu-Song Chen, Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University

Domain of Research: neuro-fuzzy, big data, pattern recognition

Muhammad Ajmal Azad, FEUP,INESC

Domain of Research: Network Security

MUHAMMAD ISHFAQ HUSSAIN, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information

Domain of Research: Intelligent System Autonomous Driving Sensor Fusion


Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,Ant colony optimization,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Assistive Robots,Autonomous Robots,Bioinformatics,Computational Intelligence,Computer Forensics,Computer Vision,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Digital Signal Processing,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,Expert Systems,Facial and Object Recognition,Fuzzy Logic,General Intelligence,Genetic Algorithms,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Internet of Things,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Medical Diagnosis,Mobile Robots,Neural Networks,Neuro-Fuzzy Systems,Pattern Recognition,Robotics,Signal Processing,Soft Computing,Software Engineering,Speech Recognition,Video Analysis

Mumtaz Karatas, Wright State University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Ant colony optimization,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Computer Networks,Data Science,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Decision theory,Dynamic programming,Health care Systems,Machine Learning,Simulation

Murat Isik, Drexel University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Electronics,Artificial Neural Networks,Computational Intelligence,Computer Vision,Digital Circuits,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Dynamic programming,Electronics,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition,Robotics,Systems Architectures,Unmanned Systems

Murphy Choy, Bigtapp Analytics

Domain of Research: Technology Trends, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Bayesian networks, Big Data, Big data analytics for security, Bioinformatics, Business Intelligence, Combinatorial optimization, Data Mining, Data Retrieval and Data Mining, Data Science, Decision Support Systems, Decision theory, Knowledge Engineering and Mining, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Sentiment Analysis, Simulation, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Support Vector Machines, Web Analytics

Mustapha C.E. Yagoub, University of Ottawa

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Nadir Mahammed, Ecole Supérieure en Informatique 8 Mai 1945, Sidi Bel-Abbes (ESI-SBA).

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Ant colony optimization,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Bioinformatics,Business Intelligence,Combinatorial optimization,Computational Intelligence,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,E-Waste,Facial and Object Recognition,Genetic Algorithms,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Information Retrieval,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Knowledge Management,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Social Computing,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Systems Architectures

Nicolas Sklavos, University of Patras

Domain of Research: ,

Nikolaos Dimitriou, Postdoc Researcher

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision

Noorihan Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi MARA

Domain of Research: Software Engineering and Quality,e-Learning,Big Data,Collaborative Learning,Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Distance Learning,e-Learning,Machine Learning,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Social Computing,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Web-based Learning Communities


Domain of Research: DIGITAL GOVERNMENT, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture

Nuzhat Prova, Pace University

Domain of Research: Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Healthcare Analytics, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence

OKKYUNG CHOI, Myongji University

Domain of Research: Internet Application l Semantic Web Services System l Rule-based Web Services System l Personalized IntelligentSystem l Ubiquitous Computing Services Discovery and Execution

Ole Boe, Norwegian Military Academy

Domain of Research: Collaborative Learning

Oleksii Kovalenko, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems NAS of Ukraine

Domain of Research: intelligent ontolology based systems

Olga Scrivner, Indiana University

Domain of Research: Virtual Realities, Data Visualization, Language Technologies, Natural Language Processing

oliver Iliev, Professor

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Adaptive control, Intelligent systems, IoT

Oluwafolake Ayano, Taylor University

Domain of Research: Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Om Patri, University of Southern California

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, Event-based Systems, Semantic Web

Ounsa Roudiès, Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs

Domain of Research: Information systems

Ouyang Zhang, Google LLC

Domain of Research: Communication,Software Engineering and Quality,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Cloud Computing,Cognitive Radio,Communication,Human Computer Interaction,Intrusion Detection,Localization

Ozdemir Cetin, Dr

Domain of Research: Computational Pathology

Paolino Di Felice, University of L'Aquila

Domain of Research: Software engineering, Software development, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), Edge AI, Machine Learning, Smart Healthcare, Smart Cities.

Pasquale De Luca, Department of Science and Technology, University of Naples Parthenope

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing

Patrick Hosein, University of the West Indies

Domain of Research: 3G/4G Network Evolutions

Paulo Moura Oliveira, INESC-TEC, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Domain of Research: Evolutionary Computation, Control Engineering

Pavlo Maruschak, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical Universit

Domain of Research: surface defects; visual inspection technology; Deep Residual Neural Networks

Pedro Filipe Oliveira, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Ambient Intelligence

Pedro Pinto, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo

Domain of Research: Computer Networks, Cybersecurity and Privacy

Peng Chen, Indiana University

Domain of Research: Big Data processing and analytics

Peng N/A Lin, Washington State University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Knowledge Management

Peng Xia, Microsoft

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Network Security, Social Computing



Perla Velasco-Elizondo, Autonomous University of Zacatecas

Domain of Research: Software Architecture, Software Design, Software Enginnering

Peter Smith, University of Sunderland

Domain of Research: Artificial intelligence

Pin Ng, HKCC - Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Domain of Research: Software Engineering and Quality,Big Data,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,e-Learning,Knowledge Management

ping wang, DHU

Domain of Research: Mobile Communication

Piotr Kulczycki, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences

Domain of Research: data analysis, mathematical statistics, control engineering, mathematical modeling, computational intelligence

Prabhat Mahanti, University of New Brunswick

Domain of Research: ,

Praneet Dutta, DeepMind

Domain of Research: Reinforcement Learning, Meta Learning, Generative Modelling, Video Understanding, Recommender Systems, Multi Task Learning

Pranjal Daga, Brex

Domain of Research: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Information Systems, Graph Neural Networks

Pratik Mishra, Samsung Semiconductor Inc

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Cloud Computing,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Databases,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Problem Solving,Systems Architectures,Wireless Communication

Predrag Tosic, Associate Research Professor, School of EECS, Washington State University

Domain of Research: AI, intelligent agents, multi-agent systems, machine learning, data mining, game theory, NLP & ontologies

Prof Dr.Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh, Professor and Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Department of Computer Engineering and Information, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University (PSAU) - KSA

Domain of Research: ,

Prof. Ahmad Taher Azar, Full Professor, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia and Full Professor, Benha University, Egypt.

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Autonomous Robots,Computational Intelligence,Machine Learning,Mobile Robots

Przemyslaw Falkowski-Gilski, Gdansk University of Technology

Domain of Research: Computer Science, Informatics, Telecommunications

Qucheng Peng, University of Central Florida

Domain of Research:

Raffy Fahim, Microsoft

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Data Science,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Parallel and Distributed Computing

Raheleh Jafari, School of design, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Fuzzy Logic

Rahib H. Abiyev,

Domain of Research:

Rajvardhan Oak, Microsoft

Domain of Research: Cyber Security, Fraud, Machine Learning

Ramadan Elaiess, University of Benghazi

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,e-Learning,Distance Learning,e-Governance,e-Learning,Internet of Things,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Technology Trends,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality,Web-based Learning Communities

Ramayah Thurasamy, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Domain of Research: E-learning; E-business

Ramesh Bharadwaj, US Naval Research laboratory

Domain of Research: AI Safdety


Domain of Research: IoT

Resul Das, Firat University, Technology Faculty

Domain of Research: Expert Systems, Neural network ensemble, Network systems and security

Reza Sadeghi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Marist College

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian networks, Big Data, Bioinformatics, Collaborative Learning, Data Mining, Data Retrieval and Data Mining, Data Science, Decision Making, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Logic, General Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, Health care Systems, Information Retrieval, Information Theory, Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Mining, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Machine Perception, Neural Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Web Analytics

Reza Shahbazian, University of Calabria

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Autonomous Robots,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Combinatorial optimization,Digital Signal Processing,Distributed Computing,Internet of Things,Localization,Machine Learning,Neural Networks

Riaz UlAmin, Edinburgh Napier University and University of Okara

Domain of Research: ,

Richmond Essieku, Texas Tech University

Domain of Research: Big Data Analytics, Health Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Quantitative Research, and Machine Learning and AI

Rim Walha, University of Sfax

Domain of Research: Image processing, Pattern recognition, machine learning, Artificial intelligence

Ripudaman Singh Arora, Blue River Technology, John Deere

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics

Rishabh Das, Ohio University

Domain of Research: ,

Rita Yi Man Li, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Domain of Research: AI

Rituparna Datta, KAIST

Domain of Research: Evolutionary COmputation

Robert Stefan Gyorödi, University of Oradea

Domain of Research: Data Mining

Rocio P Prado, University of Jaén

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning

Rodolpho Nascimento, CEFET/RJ

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Business Intelligence,Cloud Computing,Cognitive Radio,Collaborative Learning,Computational Intelligence,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,General Intelligence,Health care Systems,Information Retrieval,Intelligent Systems,Machine Learning,Medical Diagnosis,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Social Computing,Software Engineering,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Systems Architectures,Web Services and Performance

Rodrigo Perez Fernandez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Domain of Research: Computer Science; Naval Engineering; CAD/CAM/CIM Systems

Ronak Ravjibhai Pansara, Tesla

Domain of Research: ,

Roopali Garg, University Institute of Engg & Technology (U.I.E.T)

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Electronics,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Cellular Networks,Cognitive Radio,Electronics,Information Theory,Machine Learning,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Swarm Intelligence,Wireless Communication

Roshan Weerasekera, UWE Bristol

Domain of Research: 2D/2.5D/3D Integrated Circuit Design and Packaging; Emerging Computing Platforms; Bio-sensors

Roy George, Clark Atlanta University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity

Rui Zhao, University of Nebraska Omaha

Domain of Research: Security,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Internet Security,Security

Rui Bian, University of Delaware

Domain of Research: ,

Rupak Vignesh Swaminathan,

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Speech and Audio, Natural Language Processing

Saad A. Aldoihi, KACST

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Assistive Robots,Big Data,Robotics

Sagar Varma Samanthapudi, The Polis Center, Indiana University Indianapolis, USA

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Data Modelling, Data Science, Decision Making, Social Good

Sain Saginbekov, Nazarbayev University

Domain of Research: Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing, MAC protocols

Salvatore Morgera, University of South Florida, Global Center for Neurological Networks

Domain of Research: Telecommunications Networks, Bioengineering, Neurological Networks

samsul huda, Okayama university

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Communication,Security,Cloud Computing,Computer Networks,Cyber Security,Internet of Things,Intrusion Detection,Network Security,Networking,Security,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Smart Cities,Wireless Communication

Sandra König, Austrian Institute of Technology

Domain of Research: Safety & Security; Critical Infrastructure Protection; Game Theory

Sanjeet Dutta, Data Scintist, Boston Consulting Group

Domain of Research: Generative AI, Statistical Analysis

Santoso Wibowo, CQUniversity

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems

Sardar JAf, University of Sunderland

Domain of Research: Natural Language processing

Sarwar Sayeed, University of the West of Scotland

Domain of Research: Cyber Security, Blockchain, Control-Flow Integrity.

Sathyan Munirathinam, Solution Architect Manager

Domain of Research: Big Data, Hadoop, IoT, Data Mining, Massive Parallel Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Smart Manufacturing

Satya Sudhakar Yedlapalli, BITS Pilani University, Pilani

Domain of Research: Signalprocessing, Data Science, Computationally intentsive application in Embedded Systems

Sebastian Rios, University of Chile

Domain of Research: Text Processing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep NNs

Sebastian Marius Rosu, Special Telecommunications Service

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Computer Networks, Expert Systems, Knowledge Management, Quality of Service

Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam, Ashland University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Business Intelligence,Data Science,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Intelligent Systems

Serena Luigia Nicolazzo, University of Milan

Domain of Research: Security and Privacy

Sérgio André Ferreira, School of Education and Psychology, Portuguese Catholic University

Domain of Research: e-Learning, e-Learning Organisational Issues

Shabnam Sadeghi Esfahlani, Anglia Ruskin University

Domain of Research: AI and Mechatronics

Shahnam Mirzaei, California State University, Northridge

Domain of Research: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Signal and Image Processing

Shima - Moradi, National research Institute for Science Policy

Domain of Research: Internet technologies

Shivakumar Hunagund, Intel Corporation

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Electronics,e-Business,Cognitive Radio,Cryptography,e-Business,e-Commerce,Electronics,General Intelligence,GPS,Motion And Manipulation,Quantum Computing,Satellite Communication Systems,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Technology Trends,Unmanned Systems

Shiyuan Xu, The University of Hong Kong

Domain of Research: Applied Crypto, Data Security and Privacy

Shlok Gilda, University of Florida

Domain of Research: Security, Privacy

Shreenidhi Bharadwaj,

Domain of Research:

Shreyas Ramakrishna, NVIDIA Corporation

Domain of Research: ,

Shuai Shao, ByteDance

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Computer Vision,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Neural Networks,Video Analysis

Shubhalaxmi Kher, Arkansas State University

Domain of Research: IoT, Wireless communications and networking, AI

Shubham Jain, VISA

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Computer Vision,Decision Making,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Machine Learning,Perception and Learning

Shweta Sinha, Premera Blue Cross

Domain of Research: Data Engineering, Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Data Infrastructure

Si Lu, Portland State University

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Sibo Cheng, Imperial College London

Domain of Research: Machine learning for dynamical systems, data assimilation, data compression, uncertainty/error propagation

Siddeeq Ameen, Professor, Dean of Research

Domain of Research: Data Communication and Security

Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, VSB Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Pattern Recognition,Quantum Computing,Segmentation Techniques,Sentiment Analysis,Soft Computing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Swarm Intelligence

Side Li, University of California, San Diego; YouTube

Domain of Research: Data Analytics Systems; Machine Learning Systems; Video Processing Systems

Sie Long Kek, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Numerical Analysis

Silvestre Lomba Malta, Estg - Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo

Domain of Research: Security,Artificial Neural Networks

Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna

Domain of Research: e-Learning Tools

Simon Vrhovec, University of Maribor

Domain of Research: Security,Cyber Security

Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Domain of Research: Data Mining

Sofia Meacham, Senior Lecturer

Domain of Research: model-based design, software engineering, domain-specific modelling

Somdip Dey, The University of Manchester

Domain of Research: Cryptography

SOMENATH CHAKRABORTY, West Virginia University Institute of Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Medical Image processing

SOMKAIT UDOMHUNSAKUL, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi

Domain of Research: Digital Image Processing

Songan N/A Mao, Purdue University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Action Languages,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Ambient Assisted Living,Ambient Intelligence,Ant colony optimization,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intuition,Artificial Neural Networks,Assistive Robots,Augmented Reality,Automated Planning And Scheduling,Autonomous Robots,Bayesian networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Bioinformatics,Biometrics,Business Intelligence,Cellular Networks,Cloud Computing,Cognitive Radio,Collaborative Learning,Combinatorial optimization,Communication,Communication Protocols,Computational Creativity,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Aided Network Design,Computer Forensics,Computer Networks,Computer Vision,Creative and Entertaining Robots,Cryptography,Curriculum Content Design,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Decision theory,Delivery Systems and Environments,Design Automation,Digital Circuits,Digital Communication Systems,Digital Goods and Services,Digital Marketing,Digital Signal Processing,Distance Learning,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Dynamic programming,e-Business,e-Commerce,Educational Systems Design,e-Governance,e-Learning,e-Learning Organisational Issues,e-Learning Tools,Electronic Data Interchange (EDI),Electronics,Enterprise Resource Planning,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,E-Waste,Expert Systems,Facial and Object Recognition,Fuzzy Logic,General Intelligence,Genetic Algorithms,Geographic Information Systems,GPS,Green Computing,Health care Systems,High Performance Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Intelligent Driving,Intelligent Systems,Internet of Things,Internet Security,Intrusion Detection,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Knowledge Management,Knowledge Representation,Localization,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Machine Vision,Medical Diagnosis,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Mobile Applications,Mobile Communications,Mobile Robots,Motion And Manipulation,Motion Planning,Multimedia Communication,Natural Language Processing,Network Security,Networking,Neural Networks,Neuro-Fuzzy Systems,Numerical Analysis,Ontology Engineering,Open Spectrum Solutions,Optical Communication Systems,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition,Perception and Learning,Pervasive Computing,Planning,Power Electronics,Problem Solving,Quality of Service,Quantum Computing,Robotics,Satellite Communication Systems,SCADA,Secure Protocols,Secure Transactions,Security,Security Intelligence,Segmentation Techniques,Semantic Networks,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Sentiment Analysis,Signal Processing,Simulation,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Smart Grid,Smart Healthcare,Social Computing,Soft Computing,Software Engineering,Software Quality,Spam Detection,Speech Recognition,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Swarm Intelligence,Systems Architectures,Technology Trends,Unmanned Systems,Video Analysis,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality,Web Analytics,Web Services and Performance,Web-based Learning Communities,Wireless Communication

Sonia Ben Rejeb, ISI_University of Manar, Mediatron Lab_Sup'Com, Tunisia

Domain of Research: Performance analysis, design and optimization of wireless mobile 5/6/7G and IoT networks, resources allocation, mobility and QoS management, edge networking and cloud native, network virtualization, softwarization and slicing, machine learning and artificial intelligence, intelligent autonomous systems, smart cities, quantum communications, blockchain and cybersecurity.

Souham Meshoul, Computer Science department University Constantine 2

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence

Soumya Dutta, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Vision,Data Mining,Data Science,Fuzzy Logic,High Performance Computing,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Theory,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition

Soumyava Das, Teradata Labs USA

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,e-Learning,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Big Data,Cloud Computing,Collaborative Learning,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Vision,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Knowledge Engineering and Mining,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Web Analytics

Souvik Sengupta, UPC BarcelonaTech

Domain of Research: Fog Computing, IoT, Resource Management, Distributed System, Edge Computing

Soyed Tuhin Ahmed, MemoryCentric.AI

Domain of Research: Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Systems

Stamatios Papadakis, University of Crete

Domain of Research: Educational Technology, Educational Robotics, Computational Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, STEM, STEAM

Stefania Tomasiello, University of Salerno

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Numerical Analysis

Stephanos Mavromoustakos, University of Windsor

Domain of Research: HCI, Web Engineering, Data Analysis & Visualization, Information Security

Subashini Parthasarathy, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Image processing and analysis

Subramaniam Ganesan, Oakland University

Domain of Research: Embedded systems, real time DSP systems

Sudhanshu K Semwal,

Domain of Research:

Sule Yildirim Yayilgan, Professor, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Suman Rath, University of Nevada, Reno

Domain of Research: Cyber-physical Security, Distributed Systems, Deep Learning, Blockchain

suresh sethi, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Domain of Research: Role of Narratives in Visualization

sutlan daud khan, University of Hail

Domain of Research: Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Computer Vision

Suvineetha Herath, Herberger Business School, St.Cloud State University, USA

Domain of Research: Information Assurance, Computer Security Policies and laws. E-Systems, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Access Control. Legal and ethical issues and Management Policies

SUZAIMAH RAMLI, National Defence University of Malaysia

Domain of Research: Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Suzanna Schmeelk, St. John's University

Domain of Research: Information Security, Mobile Device Security, Healthcare Security, Software Development, Education, Computational Thinking

Syed Aziz Shah, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Domain of Research: Machie Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision

Syed Manzoor Qasim, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)

Domain of Research: VLSI, Circuits and Systems, SoC Design, FPGA

Tanmoy Sarkar, NLP Researcher

Domain of Research: HPC, NLP, Deep Learning

Tao Lin, Google

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Cyber Security,Machine Learning,Security,Software Engineering

Tariq Jamil, Sultan Qaboos University

Domain of Research: Digital Circuits

Tauqeer Hussain, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Domain of Research: Database Systems, Software Engineering, Project Management

Telmo Adão, Center of Computer Graphics (CCG), Department of Computer Vision, Interaction and Graphics

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Computer Graphics, xReality, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, IoT

Teodor Rusu, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca

Domain of Research: Educational Systems Design

Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer Institute IESE

Domain of Research: Software Engineering / Software Architectures / Virtual Engineering

Tiberiu Socaciu, University of Suceava

Domain of Research: Internet technologies

Tiffany Y. Tang, Department of Computer Science, Wenzhou-Kean University

Domain of Research: Affective computing, recommendation systems, technology in autism and for people with special needs

Tingjin Luo, National University of Defense Technology

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Computer Vision,Data Mining

Tomasz Andrysiak, Technology and Science University in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Domain of Research: Communication,Signal Processing

Tosin Olusola Ige, University of Texas at El Paso

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Spam Detection,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Tse Guan Tan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Creative Technology

Tuna Uslu,

Domain of Research: e-Business,Augmented Reality,Cloud Computing,Combinatorial optimization,Computational Learning Theory,Knowledge Management

Ugur Guven, UPES-ITU-FAU

Domain of Research: Curriculum Content Design

Valerio De Luca, AVR Lab, Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, Italy

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Software Engineering and Quality,Ambient Assisted Living,Bioinformatics,Computational Intelligence,Computer Networks,Computer Vision,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,Genetic Algorithms,Health care Systems,High Performance Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Intelligent Systems,Machine Learning,Machine Vision,Multimedia Communication,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Parallel Computing,Pattern Recognition,Quality of Service,Software Engineering,Systems Architectures,Video Analysis,Virtual Learning Environments,Virtual Reality

Varuna De Silva, Loughborough University

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Computer Vision and AI

Venkata Satya Rahul Kosuru, Lawrence Technological University

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Electronics,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Automated Planning And Scheduling,Autonomous Robots,Digital Signal Processing,Electronics,Image Processing,Intelligent Systems,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Perception and Learning,Planning,Power Electronics,Signal Processing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Support Vector Machines,Systems Architectures

Venu Dasigi, Bowling Green State University

Domain of Research: Text Mining, Natural Language Processing

Viacheslav Osadchyi, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Domain of Research: computer science, information networks, ICT, programming, software development, information systems, data science

Viacheslav Kovtun, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Communication,Computer Vision,Cyber Security,Fuzzy Logic,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Neural Networks,Pattern Recognition,Security

Vignesh Subramanian, PlusAI Inc.

Domain of Research: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Motion planning, Machine Learning Theory, Optimization

Vinu Sherimon, Higher College of Technology

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Data Mining,Data Retrieval and Data Mining,Data Science,Databases,Decision Making,Decision Support Systems,e-Commerce,e-Learning,e-Learning Tools,Machine Learning,Pervasive Computing,Semantic Networks,Sentiment Analysis,Smart Buildings and Cities,Smart Cities,Smart Healthcare,Software Engineering,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Web Analytics,Web-based Learning Communities

Vitus S.W. Lam, The University of Hong Kong

Domain of Research: Software Engineering and Quality, Agents and Multi-agent Systems

Vivek Khetan, Accenture Labs, The University of Texas at Austin

Domain of Research: NLP, Informtion extraction, Common sense reasoning

Vusumuzi Malele, National Department of Science and Innovation

Domain of Research: Systems engineering, engineering management, innovation, ICT, wireless and mobile networks/computing

Wadii Boulila, Prince Sultan university

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,

Wael Jaafar, Carleton University

Domain of Research: ,

WEI DAI DAI, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Domain of Research: Machine learning, digital images, and data quality

Weiliang Zhao, Macquarie University, Australia

Domain of Research: Web services and performance

Weiqi Yan, Auckland U of Technology

Domain of Research: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Intelligent Surveillance

Weisi Guo, University of Warwick

Domain of Research: 3G/4G Network Evolutions

Weiwei Shen, GE Global Research Center

Domain of Research: computational finance, machine learning, simulation and numeric methods

Wen Zhang, Mount Sinai

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Neural Networks,Bayesian networks,Big data analytics for security,Bioinformatics,Computer Networks,Data Mining,Databases,Fuzzy Logic,Genetic Algorithms

Wen-Cheng Lai, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Domain of Research: Computer and Communication

Wenjun Jiang, Samsung Research America

Domain of Research: mobile computing, wireless sensing, machine learning

wenlong sun, University of Louisville

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Machine Learning

William Mosier, Istanbul Gelisim University

Domain of Research: Media impact on young children

Windhya Rankothge, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Domain of Research: Computer Networks, Cloud Computing, Optimization

Xiaoni Duan, Purdue University

Domain of Research: HCI, LLM, Crowdsourcing, data mining

Xin Fang, Qualcomm, Northeastern University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Big data analytics for security,Cloud Computing,Cryptography,Digital Circuits,High Performance Computing,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Security,Systems Architectures

Xin Liu, CGG US Imaging

Domain of Research: Robotics, Cyber Security, Image Processing, High Performance Computing, Embedded System, Real-time Operating System

Xinfei Guo, University of Virginia

Domain of Research: Electronics,Artificial Intelligence

XINGYU WU, University of Science and Technology of China

Domain of Research: machine learning, feature selection, causal learning, and causal inference.

Xinna Pan, Youtube, Google

Domain of Research: autonomous driving, machine learning, intelligent system, robotics, SLAM

Yanghui Ou, Google

Domain of Research: Computer Architecture, VLSI

Yasaman Amannejad, Mount Royal University

Domain of Research: Performance Engineering, Machine Learning, Software Engineering

Ye Zhu, Cleveland State University

Domain of Research: Computer Science

Yeshasvi Tirupachuri, Dynamic Interaction Control, Italian Institute of Technology

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Software Engineering and Quality,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Assistive Robots,Autonomous Robots,Collaborative Learning,Computer Vision,Human-Robot Interaction,Intelligent Systems,Mobile Robots,Robotics,Software Engineering

Yew Kee WONG, Hong Kong Chu Hai College

Domain of Research: AI, Quantum Computing, Web3 Technology

Yi-Fei Pu, Sichuan University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Electronics,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Computational Creativity,Computational Intelligence,Computational Learning Theory,Computer Vision,Cryptography,Digital Circuits,Electronics,Evolutionary Algorithms,Evolutionary Computing,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Machine Learning,Neural Networks,Signal Processing,Swarm Intelligence

YiFei Dong, University of Technology Sydney

Domain of Research: AI, Large language model (LLM), LLM based agents, Cybersecurity, IoT

Yijing Zeng, Meta

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Software Engineering and Quality,3G/4G Network Evolutions,Big Data,Cellular Networks,Cloud Computing,Cognitive Radio,Collaborative Learning,Communication,Communication Protocols,Computer Networks,Data Mining,Databases,Digital Signal Processing,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Information Theory,Internet of Things,Intrusion Detection,Mobile Adhoc Networks,Mobile Communications,Networking,Neural Networks,Pattern Recognition,Pervasive Computing,Sensing and Sensor Networks,Signal Processing,Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,Systems Architectures,Virtual Reality,Wireless Communication

Yilun Shang, Northumbria University

Domain of Research: Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Combinatorial optimization, Cyber Security, Swarm Intelligence

Yilun Shang, Northumbria University

Domain of Research: Computer Science

YINHENG LI, Microsoft

Domain of Research: Large Language Models, Edge Computing

Yizhe Zhao, TuSimple

Domain of Research: Computer Vision, 3D Object Detection, Semantic Segmentaion, Motion Prediction

Yongkai Fan, State Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Communication, China University of Communicatio

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Electronics,e-Learning,Ambient Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Bioinformatics,Cloud Computing,Communication,Computer Forensics,Cryptography,Cyber Security,Data Mining,Data Science,Decision theory,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,e-Learning,Evolutionary Computing,High Performance Computing,Information Retrieval,Information Theory,Internet Security,Intrusion Detection,Machine Learning,Machine Perception,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Security,Security Intelligence

Yongming Han, Beijing university of chemical technology

Domain of Research: Data analysis and Intelligent optimization

Yoshiyuki Kido, Cybermedia Center, Osaka University

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Communication,Security,Software Engineering and Quality,Bayesian networks,Communication,Communication Protocols,Cyber Security,High Performance Computing,Systems Architectures

Youshan Zhang, Lehigh University

Domain of Research: ,

Yousra Javed, Illinois State University

Domain of Research: Security and Privacy, Human factors, HCI

Yudian Li, Qualcomm Inc

Domain of Research: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, GPGPU

Yudong Zhang, University of Leicester

Domain of Research: Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence

Yungang Zhu, Jilin University

Domain of Research: Computer Science

Yusuf Cengiz Toklu, Beykent University

Domain of Research: Optimization, Civil Engineering

Yutian Tang, ShanghaiTech University

Domain of Research: Software Engineering, Android, System Security

Yuwei Sun, The University of Tokyo

Domain of Research: Machine Learning, Decentralized AI, AI Security

Yuxin Qiao, Northern Arizona University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Brain,Artificial Imagination,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intuition,Artificial Neural Networks,Computer Vision,Image Processing,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Software Engineering

Zeina Al Masry, FEMTO-ST institute

Domain of Research: ,

Zhaoliang Duan,

Domain of Research: Computer vision, Deep Learning, Virtual Reality

Zheng Li, Western Illinois University

Domain of Research: Embedded System Design, Cloud Computing, Many-core Computing and Reconfigurable Computing.

Zhiyu Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Machine Learning

Zhongguo Li, University of Manchester

Domain of Research: Technology Trends,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Agents and Multi-agent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Automated Planning And Scheduling,Autonomous Robots,Collaborative Learning,Computational Intelligence,Decision Making,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems,Information Theory,Intelligent Systems,Machine Learning,Mobile Robots,Motion Planning,Perception and Learning

Zhuoyue Wang, University of California, Berkeley

Domain of Research: AI/ML, System

Zi Wang, The University of Tennessee

Domain of Research: Deep learning, Machine learning

Ziaul Hossain, University of the Fraser Valley

Domain of Research: Networks; Protocol; TCP/IP; Image analysis

Ziwei Ma, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Domain of Research: Statistical Machine Learning, Applied machine learning

Ziyu Wang, Apple, Inc

Domain of Research: Machine Learning Hardware Architecture

Zne-Jung Lee, Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Ant colony optimization,Data Mining,Genetic Algorithms,Neural Networks,Software Engineering,Support Vector Machines

ZULKEFLI MANSOR, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Domain of Research: Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence