
Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam

Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam

Ashland University

Domain of Research: Machine Vision,Intelligent Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Software Engineering and Quality,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Neural Networks,Big Data,Big data analytics for security,Business Intelligence,Data Science,Image Processing,Image Processing and Analysis,Image/Video Processing,Information Retrieval,Intelligent Systems

Her primary research interests are in the application of computing and information technologies to problems which impacts societal benefits. She is particularly interested in methods for identifying objects in surveillance conditions. Other work focuses on the analysis of detection and tracking of details for visually disabled elderly citizens. Dr. Kolandapalayam Shanmugam holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathemat- ics and Masters in Computer Applications from Bharathiar University, and her Master of Philosophy in Computer Science from Bharathidasan University, and a PhD in Computer Science from Anna University. She takes various positions as Teaching Faculty, Research Advisor, Project Co- Ordinator in the field of Academics from 2002 in various reputed institutions. She has related to the IT industry for more than 5 years by taking her prestigious role as Business Analyst Consultant. She received Young Investigator Award in the International Conference on emerging Trends in En- gineering and Techno Sciences by IRNET. She is a member of the ISTE and IEEE. She has chaired various sessions in Conferences and symposium and judged the projects exhibited by students and research scholars in various occasions. She has been an organizer for Conferences, Seminars and Faculty Development Programs.