
Milan Tuba

Milan Tuba

Singidunum University Belgrada

Domain of Research: ,

Milan Tuba, Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project at Singidunum University and Vice-Rector of Research at Sinergia University, is included in both versions of the Stanford University list of 2% of the most influential scientists in the world in all disciplines, one for contribution during the entire career and other for contribution in the previous year (for years 2020, 2021 and 2022). He was Vice Rector for International Relations at Singidunum University, Head of the Department for Mathematical Sciences at State University of Novi Pazar and Dean of the Graduate School of Computer Science at John Naisbitt University. Prof. Tuba is the author or coauthor of around 300 scientific papers (cited more than 6,500 times, h-index 49) and editor, coeditor or member of the editorial board or scientific committee of number of scientific journals, Springer books, congresses and international conferences. He was invited and delivered more than 90 keynote and inaugural lectures at international conferences. He received B. S. in Mathematics, M. S. in Mathematics, M. S. in Computer Science, M. Ph. in Computer Science, Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Belgrade and New York University. From 1983 to 1994 he was in the U.S.A. at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University and later as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cooper Union School of Engineering, New York. During that time, he was the founder and director of Microprocessor Lab and VLSI Lab, leader of the NSF scientific projects and theses supervisor. He was the mentor of dozens of doctoral and master's dissertations at the Faculty of Mathematics University of Belgrade, Singidunum University, University of Sarajevo, State University of Novi Pazar, John Nesbitt University and University of East Sarajevo. He was teaching more than 20 graduate and undergraduate courses, from VLSI Design and Computer Architecture to Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Calculus and Queuing Theory at numerous universities in Europe and the USA. Prof. Tuba is a member of the National Agency for Accreditation of Universities of the Republic of Serbia. His research interest includes Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms, Image Processing, Computer Networks. Senior Member IEEE, ACM, AMS, SIAM, IFNA, Executive Board of IASEI.