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International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), Volume 10 Issue 5, 2019.
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present the personality traits and the factors that influence a student to pursue STEM education using machine learning techniques. STEM courses have high regard because they play a vital role in global technology, inventions and the economy. Educational Data Mining helps us to identify patterns and relationships in a large educational database. On the other hand, Machine Learning facilitates decision making process by enabling learning from the dataset. A survey comprising of an extensive variety of questions regarding STEM education was conducted and the opinions of students from various backgrounds and disciplines were collected. A dataset was generated based on the responses from students. Machine Learning algorithms (one class-SVM and KNN) applied on this dataset emphasizes variety of courses offered, research-oriented learning, problem-solving approach, a good career with high paying job are some of the factors which may influence a student to choose STEM course.
Sang C Suh, Anusha Upadhyaya B.N and Ashwin Nadig N.V, “Analyzing Personality Traits and External Factors for Stem Education Awareness using Machine Learning” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 10(5), 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100501
title = {Analyzing Personality Traits and External Factors for Stem Education Awareness using Machine Learning},
journal = {International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications},
doi = {10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100501},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100501},
year = {2019},
publisher = {The Science and Information Organization},
volume = {10},
number = {5},
author = {Sang C Suh and Anusha Upadhyaya B.N and Ashwin Nadig N.V}
Copyright Statement: This is an open access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, even commercially as long as the original work is properly cited.