Paper 1: Improved Framework for Breast Cancer Detection using Hybrid Feature Extraction Technique and FFNN
Abstract: Breast Cancer early detection using terminologies of image processing is suffered from the less accuracy performance in different automated medical tools. To improve the accuracy, still there are many research studies going on different phases such as segmentation, feature extraction, detection, and classification. The proposed framework is consisting of four main steps such as image preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction and finally classification. This paper presenting the hybrid and automated image processing based framework for breast cancer detection. For image preprocessing, both Laplacian and average filtering approach is used for smoothing and noise reduction if any. These operations are performed on 256 x 256 sized gray scale image. Output of preprocessing phase is used at efficient segmentation phase. Algorithm is separately designed for preprocessing step with goal of improving the accuracy. Segmentation method contributed for segmentation is nothing but the improved version of region growing technique. Thus breast image segmentation is done by using proposed modified region growing technique. The modified region growing technique overcoming the limitations of orientation as well as intensity. The next step we proposed is feature extraction, for this framework we have proposed to use combination of different types of features such as texture features, gradient features, 2D-DWT features with higher order statistics (HOS). Such hybrid feature set helps to improve the detection accuracy. For last phase, we proposed to use efficient feed forward neural network (FFNN). The comparative study between existing 2D-DWT feature extraction and proposed HOS-2D-DWT based feature extraction methods is proposed.
Keywords: Breast Cancer; Preprocessing; Segmentation; Region Growing; Noise Removal; Filtering; Orientation; Gradient Magnitude; Higher Order Statistics; FFNN